Drexel University Online Community - Events Calendar

Last night I attended a Drexel alumni event featuring several recent graduates discussing their experience working in the digital and interactive field.  Along with the panel discussion, questions and answer and networking, we were given materials featuring, among other things, a suggested reading list.  This was extremely appropriate as part of the discussion turned towards creativity, idea generation and how non business/interactive/digital classes have influenced each speaker’s career.

I was both inspired and  humbled hearing about how much each speaker reads.  To clarify, I read a lot!  Mainly blogs but also a few books throughout the course of each year, but I spend a fair amount of time on the couch in front of the TV with my wife.  Not saying there is anything wrong with television.  God knows I love Modern Family and The Daily Show BUT I need my passion for reading to match my passion for my career.  Books often satisfy my thirst for knowledge in a way that few other resources can.

So here’s what I’m doing…

Starting April 1st:

I’m going to read 10 books by the end of the year.  10 books may not seem like a lot to some of you reading this but for me, this is a really, really BIG deal.  I’d like to share with you my reading list for 2011.

I’ve already read “Linchpin” by Seth Godin

I’m halfway through “Engage” by Brian Solis and I intend to FINALLY finish it.  It’s remarkable but VERY dense.

Here’s the rest of my reading list:

Do you have other suggestions of books to add to my reading list?

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