I saw this article in Mashable this morning: Google Responds to Steve Jobs’s Android Activation Jab.  The question is who is activating more phones?  Is it Apple or Google?  Is Android winning, is iPhone winning?  There’s also a new question of will Android tablets overtake the iPad?

Here’s a better question…WHO CARES?!

They are both selling a lot of phones.  Both have loyal fan bases.  WHO CARES?  Why must we reduce every single discussion about competing products to this black or white, win or lose nonsense?  It reminds me of a blog post that a wise man once wrote titled “Is this the new-insert product here- killer-killer?

I can’t stand seeing this healthy competition start looking so much like a cat fight.

GIRLS, We’re ALL pretty!

Can’t that just be ok?

Does anyone out there really, honestly and truly think that either iPhone or Android will “win” in this competition?  Besides what would a “win” mean?  It would seem to me that if Apple is selling millions of iPhones they are winning at their game.  They don’t need to beat Android to be profitable.  And Google, well Google is doing just fine no matter how many Android phones they activate.  Google is still serving searches through iPhones, Blackberry, Android, etc

All of these sorts of silly feuds do, is activate the passionate, loyal, hardcore fans of one product or another.  What does the flame war actually accomplish?  NOTHING.  Trust me, I’ve been in plenty.  Mac vs PC, iPhone vs Android they are all the same.  Two sets of people immovable in their position.  Great!  So let’s call it what it is…they are both selling a shitload of phones.

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