Every single day, every single moment, we are presented with choices. Depending on the breadth of our imagination any given day, the number of choices will vary.

Each of these choices will dictate, either in a significant or minor way, the future. Each choice requires NOT choose something else. The choice that you didn’t take could create a different future.

This is called the butterfly effect.

When starting a business, a relationship, or a family, this idea becomes more pronounced.

By choosing to focus on this task, we cannot focus on that task: what is the impact of this choice?

By choosing to commit to this person and foregoing other options, we willingly deny other possible entrants: what is the impact of that choice?

By reacting to a screaming child in a particular way, we shape their perspective, we shape how they react, we shape the perception of others: what is the impact of that choice?

Choices. It’s all about choices. The problem is that we often don’t see all of these things as choices. We simply react. Our choice is the default. It is not conscious.

When we begin to see things as choices, instead of reacting, we begin to have some control over our futures. There will always be variables, and events that we cannot predict, but we can be conscious of how we react. Even if we react and go to the default choice, we should at least be aware of the choice.

Today I chose to write this. And now I’m choosing to go back to work. What will you choose today, or will you choose to relinquish that responsibility?


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