As I write this, it is Sunday afternoon.

I have plenty to do, and there really isn’t any time to rest.

But I don’t have a choice. I’m exhausted. I’ve been going hard for days now. So I’m going to bed early tonight.

I’ve had long hours.

I’ve had late nights.

Our culture often has us cheering on those who “burn the midnight oil.”

Often times I forego sleep in order to get everything done.

But here’s the real consequence of living like this :

  • anxiety
  • exhaustion
  • …and the destruction of creative energy

I’m so tired I cannot get my head clear enough to finish setting up my Mastermind course, write a chapter of my book, or even revise my task list.

I don’t have time for my side projects.  I often miss the gym.

What comes first?

So here is the decision:

Do I wait until I have the time to sleep, or go to the gym, or work on my side projects?


Do I move those things up in my priorities?

If I wait until I have the time, I’ll either never have the time, or I’ll be in the cycle of boom and bust constantly struggling to “find the time” amidst everything else.

I’m either going to be at the mercy of my task list, or I will take control of it.

But it’s worth reminding myself…that it is my choice.

This is my reminder.

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