Recently (the past 3 years), I have received numerous requests to donate money, or sign a petition.

Sometimes it is to fight an attack on net neutrality, or to fight the passage of bills like SOPA and PIPA. The internet is under attack by corporate interests that want to fundamentally change the internet and skew it in their favor for control and profit.

I’m very interested in fair elections, free from voter suppression.  But there are so many attacks on voting rights that I’m running out of time and energy for it.

I’m very interested in a representative government of the people, by the people and for the people, free from corruption and the unlimited and unregulated lobbying that sways policies in favor of corporate profit, instead of shared benefit.  But at this point, it’s fairly obvious who has the most influence in politics, and it isn’t “we the people.”

I am running out of energy to fight for everything I believe in.  Typically, corporate interests will have more money to influence the outcome of a particular battle.  As a result, they will fight until they win.

I don’t have deep pockets.

There has to come a point where the battle ends.  Every time net neutrality is preserved, the corporate powers that want it destroyed find another avenue, and another battle begins.

Every time the majority of people want to get money out of politics, the irony is that more more money flows into politics. Money flows into one side to keep money in politics, and money flows into the other side to keep money out of boggles the mind.

To stand up for what you think is right, is quite possibly more difficult than ever.

I just want to know, before I donate my next dollar to a cause…am I just wasting my money and delaying the inevitable, or will the fighting stop soon?


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