Yesterday, my former neighbor passed away after a tough battle with breast cancer.  She was my age, 34.

Kara was a bright and vivacious woman.  I only know her briefly, but her energy was magnetic, and her personality, unforgettable.

It is undeniably sad to lose a bright spirit so early.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been stressed, but when things like this happen, everything gets put into perspective.

  • I’ve been overwhelmed with work, while Kara was battling for her life.
  • I haven’t spoken to some of my closest friends in months, while Kara’s closest friends were all trying to steal even a few more precious minutes with her.
  • I’m worrying about client work, as if it’s the most important thing, while Kara’s was spending time with her family and other loved ones because that actually IS the most important thing.

The perspective shifts when we realize that we don’t get an eternity, and that the last day isn’t marked on the calendar.

The perspective shifts when we appreciate the significance and unpredictability of finality and impermanence.

I’m not saying we can’t enjoy a lazy Sunday, or have a bad day at work, or take things for granted now and again.  I’m saying that every once in a while, it might not hurt to live, love, and work as if there might be no tomorrow.  Take a walk with a new perspective and consider what’s really important.

Goodbye Kara, you will be missed.  And thank you for the reminder that life is short.


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