I’m extremely loyal to my network. Once you’re “in,” you’re family.

Looking for a new job?

I’ll connect you to whoever I can, help you revise your Linkedin profile, give you advice on how to present yourself online, and even conduct mock interviews.

I’ve done it before and helped people find jobs.

I take care of my people.

Student in one of my classes?

I’ll take your phone call, tweets, emails, and Facebook messages.

I’ll set aside an hour to consult you.

I’ll connect you to potential new customers.

I’m invested in your success.

I take care of my people.

Friend having a rough day?

Need to meet up for coffee or a drink?

Want to just talk?

Need a hug?

Hungry for some motivation, or inspiration?

I’ve got you covered.

I take care of my people.

“My people” are my “family.”

These are the people that support me, that care about me, that are invested in my success.

When my people need me, I’m there for them, because I know they’d be there for me…and even if they weren’t it’s about being there for them.

Take care of “your people.”

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