Why do we have a system where so many will spend upwards of 40 hours per week doing work they dislike and that doesn’t nourish their soul?

Why is it accepted and even admired for one person to accumulate billions of dollars, while millions are born with the struggle to merely survive?

How do we expect to build more robots and systems, to automate more jobs, while the population grows..and have an economy that looks like what we’ve had for the last 50 years?

Why do we watch other people’s lives through tiny screens and rush to show off our own? 

Why is one of the most popular activities at the end our work day, sitting on a couch, drinking a glass of wine and giving our attention to watching the worst of us act like fools and delight over their failure, rather than spend time having meaningful discussion about improving the world around us? 

Why is doing work that matters, and having compassion the outlier rather than the default.

What happened?

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