
There’s this weird aspect of our culture that I’ve noticed.  Everybody’s workin’ for the weekend.  It’s commonplace to dread going to your job it seems.  People joke about the “Mundays” and celebrate Friday like it’s every week’s Christmas.  If I may be so bold…I love my job.  You’re probably rolling your eyes already.  I’ve gone out and told people that I love my job.  Some seem excited or happy for me, but many others look as though I’m speaking latin, like they can’t understand the concept.

So what makes me different?

Well it’s not just that I’m a sunshine kind of person.  I didn’t love my last job…I liked it at times, tolerated it at other times and flat out despised it on occasion.  When I got this job I knew something was different.  What changed is that I actually love WHAT I do.  It was no accident either.  I actively searched for a job where I got to do this all day.  I decided to play an active part in the formation and development of my future and my career.

When I left my old job at the end of the day, this (social media) is what I did, it was my playtime.  Now my playtime is my worktime.  What I read for pleasure consequently is what I read for business.  I “digg” Social Media.  I really love it.  It’s exciting, it’s new, it’s constantly changing and I get to help people.  I get to help companies understand it.

Here’s my question:  Why aren’t more people doing what they love?

If you’re reading this and you think I’m full of crap, ask yourself why you think that?  We’ve been conditioned to treat work like WORK.  It’s heavy, you’re not supposed to enjoy it.  Why not?

Here’s my assignment to you.  If you don’t like your job, spend 15 minutes a day thinking about what you LOVE to do, what you are passionate about.  Don’t think about the awful job market, or what you’re qualified for or how much work it’ll take to get there.  Unless there’s something I don’t know about, you get one life to live.  If you’re gonna spend a majority of your adult life doing something, why not make it something you really love doing.  Now here’s the BIG picture…what would our world look like if more people were doing what they loved, what they were excited about getting up to go do in the morning?  I know that everyday I’m going to give it my best because not only do I want to keep this job, but I just enjoy the process.  Think it over and ask yourself if you feel the same.

UPDATE: 10 minutes after posting this I found a blogpost by my friend Elliot Chisholm, a singer doing what he loves everyday.  See his post Life is an Adventure and definitely listen to his first solo song called In My City, it’s great.

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