Is social media monitoring important? Why or why not?

Social Media monitoring is ONLY important IF:

  • You care what people are saying about you;
  • you care what people are saying about your competition;
  • you care what people are saying about your industry;
  • you care what your competition is saying;
  • you care about branding and building loyalty by solving your customers problems;
  • you’re interested in having your content strategy meet the needs of your customer;
  • or you’re interested in updating, improving, or optimizing your product or services based on feedback.

Otherwise, it’s not all that important. 🙂

But let’s be serious for a moment; Social Media monitoring is one of the key opportunities presented by a more open and social web experience.  In the midst of all of the talking, listening is where the majority of the value is locked away.

It could be as simple as Google Alerts or Twitter search, or as comprehensive as developing a Social Media Center of Excellence with professional level social listening tools.

Overwhelmed? If you need help, we can help.

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