Why is your LinkedIn profile essential as an entrepreneur? You know Jeff’s has the answer.

Back in the day, all you needed was a resume to prove to people that you’ve done things.

But now, in a mostly digital world, how do you do this? Online that’s how.

And let’s be real, what’s the first thing you do after you meet someone new?

Meticulously google stalk them! Ya look for their history, accomplishments, and how they present themselves online.

As an entrepreneur, the way you present yourself online helps you earn credibility with potential clients and investors.

So why not have a stellar LinkedIn profile, where you’ve leveraged all of the tools they give you to help you look awesome?

Here are some of Jeff’s quick tips:

1. Write a killer headline that actually describes how you/your service SOLVES someone else’s problem.
2. Upload a damn headshot. No one trusts an empty face hole.
3. Take your profile seriously and fill out all of the fields.

These are a few of Jeff’s nuggets of LinkedIn wisdom, but it you want the combo Big Mac and fries, give us a call at 855-948-2012 ex.2.

We provide LinkedIn Audits for all new TVM clients.

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