We are trained to “know.”  Not knowing something is generally “bad,” or at least it feels bad.  It’s vulnerable.  I mean that’s what you are paid for, right?  You’re paid for what you know, in most cases.  I don’t think I’m paid for what I know.  I think I’m paid for my capacity to know.  I think I’m paid for my ability to figure things out.  

Especially is Social Media, knowing is difficult.  Everything is still new and fresh.  It’s almost like “knowing” your car will always have that new car smell…it won’t.  One day it’s going to smell like your dog, or cigarettes or that time you spilled salsa in the back seat.

It’s difficult to even say the words “I don’t know.”  For me, it feels weak, like I didn’t do something I’m supposed to.  Sometimes that is the case and those are the times worth being embarrassed about. 

But if you honestly don’t know how to do something, don’t be afraid of not knowing how to do it, be afraid if you are unwilling to figure it out.  

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