Today, March 28th, 2011 marks the day True Voice Media signed our first contract.

Ever since I was old enough to have a job, I knew that one day, I would work for myself. When you are working for someone else, you are always doing just that…working FOR SOMEONE ELSE.  There is only so far you can climb and only so far out of bounds you can play.  Ultimately your hard work benefits your boss more than it ever benefits you personally.

I color outside the lines, I don’t like to be told where to go, I need to be accountable for my own success and failure.  The beauty of working for myself is the same thing that makes it terrifying; there is no one to blame but me.  There is no one I need to ask permission.  There is no initiative I can’t take on if I want.  I can have lunch with my wife in the middle of the day—as long as I have no client obligations—and I can take vacation at MY leisure.

I’m so excited to officially declare True Voice Media OPEN FOR BUSINESS and I’d like to welcome myself to—what I hope will be— the first day of the rest of my career.

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