I thought that the internet would allow us to become our better selves, but instead I think it’s just given people the mistaken belief that they are better than everyone else. Many sit atop an ivory tower with a broadband connection casting judgement on everyone else, far from the face-to-face interaction that would cause them to see the result of their words..

It’s funny because I vaguely remember stories of compassionate people.  People who cared about other people…all other people.

They didn’t see race, gender, class, sexuality, or religion.

Even if they met someone with different beliefs, they did not respond with violence, hate or anger, but with love and understanding.

On any given day I see something entirely different on the web.  I see hate, divisiveness, intolerance, and anger…so much anger, and so much judgement.

I’ve been looking everywhere, but I just can’t seem to find where these compassionate people went, and if they are there, why are their voices being drowned out?

I don’t know. Maybe I’m spending too much time on the Internet, or maybe compassion never existed.  Perhaps it’s all in my mind.

But even if it doesn’t exist, I’m going to pretend it does by being that way, and maybe one day others will join in, and the world won’t be so angry.

See you around the web, in the comments section, desperately trying not to fight back in anger.

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