Further Followers

Your favorite social media ninja/guru/hero is back! Jeff Gibfarb.

Also, he’s here to tell you how to get 1 million followers overnight!!!!!

All you have to do is hit follow on all of those accounts with usernames like “@getfollowersnow,” then set up an automatic DM to thank each one of them for their autonomous choice to follow you, tweet relatable motivational content about achieving your dreams and trusting your journey 24 hours a day, oh and start a vlog, where you let your followers in on the details of your one true, wild and crazy life.

There ya have it. Finally, you now know the fail-proof strategy perfect for any type of business looking to gain a f#$&-ton of followers.

For more social media hacks on Fake News Clickbit with your life coach Jeff Gybbark, like up this video and lastly, subscribe to our channel!


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