The larger the data set the more likely patterns are to emerge. Even in the absence of predictable patterns there may be groupings, sets, or commonalities.

The more we write, the more it sounds like something someone else has said. The more jokes a comedian tells, the greater the likelihood it will sound like another comedian’s joke. The more Snapchat stories we post, the more likely it is to sound like something else we’ve said before.

We’re all inspired by the inputs that are logged in our conscious and subconscious minds. We all have certain patterns that we’ve grown accustomed to, or that feed us in some way.

To me, the most important thing is to have a commitment to progress and growth. If the things I said yesterday sound just like the things I say today, either I’m not growing, or I’ve gotten comfortable with a script. Neither is acceptable, and neither makes me feel accomplished.

To those out there, saying the same things day in and day out, there is a value to consistency, but there is also the chance that the script will begin to sound dull, monotonous, and ordinary. Keep thinking, keep pushing.

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