It’s remarkable how little time is left to quietly reflect on objectives, successes, failures and opportunities after checking all of our inboxes, creating content, sharing content, measuring effectiveness and keeping up with the flow of information.

We tweet, we blog, we watch, we listen but how often do we stop the distractions to just think? I often find that blog topics come to me during a drive to a client’s office or during my morning shower. The night stand next to my bed has a notepad and pen because of the numerous occasions I’ve had an idea during the silence preceding sleep.

I spend so much time in this industry furiously trying to keep up and manage my various social media outposts. I spend so much mental energy planning, organizing, curating and creating.

As much as I appreciate being “plugged in,” I also try to appreciate silence, and quiet reflection. I think it’s important that we never lose sight of that, because the pace is only going to increase and the volume is only going to grow. It is easy to let your brain rewire itself. I try to remind myself that I play a big role in determining how my brain rewires during this technology, information and social revolution.

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