Things are moving so fast.

Oreos dunked in the dark, and now everyone wants to be marketing in real time.

Twitter allows us to communicate across time and geography instantly. And even if we delete the tweet immediately, there could be hundreds of people with the ability to take a screenshot immortalizing the bad decision forever.

The comments section has given us the false sense of safety and anonymity when, in fact, we are easily identified, found, and publicly shamed.

Emails pile up more quickly now, getting through it all seems more urgent.

In my experience, being reactive is rarely the smartest decision. The rushed decision lacks thoughtfulness and context.

If you don’t have the time to actually sleep on a big decision, at the very least, step back, go for a walk, reflect and come back to the situation. You’re more likely to be responsive to the circumstance rather than reactive.

And it’s probably better for everyone.

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