Social Media Marketing is a big conversation, one that is taking place all over the web.  Some people try to reduce it to “just a channel,” others see a big possibility.  In the midst of a chorus that includes social media supporters and social media detractors emerges some sparks that can ignite something extraordinary.

From #140conf

I’m at the 140 conference (#140conf12) today and tomorrow.  You hear the words “social media” at this conference so much that it almost loses its meaning.  Some of this conference comes across as a mildly self congratulatory Social Media hugfest; we sit around at marvel as people talk about social media and how it’s changing the world, as if those in this room need to be reminded.


In between patting each other on the back we bear witness to touching stories and unique uses of real-time technology, but it’s a thin line.

  • It’s not enough to say “Social Media is important,” you have to go further.
  • It’s not enough to say “Social Media can help you make a difference in the world,” you have to go further.
  • Likewise, it’s not enough to just put up a Facebook page or start using Twitter, Social Media Marketing is bigger than that.
What is it that can make a Social Media Marketing successful?

Social Media Marketing that is heavily tied to purpose

Social Media Marketing is not just about the posts on your Facebook page, your Twitter account, or your YouTube channel; it’s about the purpose and shared vision that creates the story.  If you want to be successful using social media to market yourself, your business or your cause, you need to really give it everything. You need to be motivated by something more than selling a few more widgets.

Customers need to see themselves in your message and in your cause.  This is why cause marketing and social good is becoming so wildly popular, because people want their life, their work and their purchases to have meaning.

Why are you using Social Media?  What do you want to accomplish FROM your work…not FOR your work?

Social Media Marketing is a call-to-action

It’s not enough for us to talk about using social media to change to world; you have to take an action.  Social Media gives companies the opportunity to intimately connect with their customers, but many only pay lip service to this concept and instead push, push, push their marketing messages.  If your goal is to use social media to capture the hearts and minds of your customers, you need to go further and invite their participation.  You need to be willing to listen as much–or more–than you talk.

Think Bigger

Yes, Social Media is big, it’s everywhere, it’s impacting everything; let’s take all of that as the way it is.  Let’s get bigger than that by thinking about what to do in a world where this is how people communicate.

Be purpose driven, seek to take on big things and make a bigger social impact.  Invite your audience to be a part of it.  Be selfless, make the conversation about the mission and mobilizing your audience.

Get moving.

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