If you’ve been in business for more than a week, you’ll know that there will be good weeks and bad weeks. Productive weeks and how-the-hell-am-I-still-employed weeks.

The ebb and flow of life and business make these changes inevitable.

Often when returning from those less-than-productive weeks, you will find yourself backed against the wall: inbox overflowing, tasks piled to the sky, voicemails unreturned. It’s during this time that your personal life will also challenge you, because it’s obviously not enough to just have challenges at work.

For me, the only way I’ve found my way out of these drastic situations, is through drastic measures. I could prolong the nightmare, but I typically choose to confront it and deal with it.

Instead of getting overwhelmed and retreating to my couch at night, I get overwhelmed, and lean into the challenges. I go full steam until I’ve crushed the weight of obligations into something more manageable. I don’t stop until I have a firm grasp on my task list.

This requires me to trade sleep for productivity, fear and overwhelm for confidence and control.

Two days later I can breath, and I have slept.

**Shout out to Jess for helping me get through it.

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