I found a great blog post on the Simple Marketing Blog called: Simplicity, A Dominant Trend. Contained in that blog post was a fantastic slideshow from Slideshare that I would like to include in this post.

I was so refreshed to find this post today as it seems to me that life is getting more and more complicated every day…and I think that’s the problem. When I was 22, life really was much more simple. And somewhere along the way I decided that simplicity really was the key to happiness, maybe not the only key, but a BIG one.

I’d read the Tao of Pooh and often tried to think of myself as the simple bear, Winnie the Pooh and it’s always had a way of keeping me in good spirits and also taking the complications of life and breaking them down into manageable, simpler tasks. While I still do that now and again, I think I’ve lost touch with that in some way. I still do it, though much more unconsciously, much less deliberately. If you look at my Social Media Map, it looks terribly complicated to the untrained eye. To me it’s the way I simplify an otherwise complex web of information. So it’s still a part of who I am but I think it’s time that I get back to it.

I’ve been very concerned in business and in life with efficiency but not necessarily simplicity. Let’s simplify the language we use. Let’s simplify our interfaces. Let’s remove barriers to conversions. Give it some thought, where are you over-complicating things?

I hereby declare July 21st, Jeff Gibbard’s Simplicity Day. I will observe it every year in honor of keeping it simple.

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