Remember back when the only way to communicate with your audience was through PR or advertising?

  • You only had three primary channels to worry about: Print, TV, Radio
  • You had to stay “on message.”
  • You had get your message/ad “approved.”
  • You had to pay someone to get the message out.

Well things have changed people! It’s time to recognize that you’re in the business of content creation.  Now you can directly connect with your audience and you can be as on or off message as you want.

One thing is for certain though, people are going to have questions, and you need to have answers.

Here are 4 questions you need to make sure get answered before anything else.

Who are you?

I’m not talking about the basic name, rank and serial number type “who are you.”  And I’m not talking about a generic company about us page.

I want to really know who ARE you?  Show me your face, tell me your story, if possible, say it in your own words on video.  People connect with people, not logos.

If you are a one person shop, you better put yourself out there.  If you’re a giant company, put lots of people out there.  Each person is a touch point, a story, and part of an larger brand narrative.  Don’t run from it.

Want to know more about me, Jeff Gibbard, the author of this article?  Check my 30 day video project.  Click here.

What do you stand for? Why do you do what you do?

It’s been said before, and is worth repeating.  People want to know WHAT you do, BUT they connect with WHY you do it.

More than ever, companies need to be purpose driven in their messaging.

1. To inspire the incoming workforce of millennials that are more motivated by purpose and social progress than money.

2. To excite and engage younger audiences and customers, that are increasingly making buying decisions based on affinity for the brand.

3. In this age of content overload, there is more than enough informational content out there, but not nearly enough rich, engaging and meaningful content.  Quality > Quantity

Why do we do what we do?  To change the world of business to a more open and collaborative model where customers, employees and other stakeholders are appreciated and   Why do you do what you do?

Check out this TEDTalk video by Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

What do you do?

Don’t overlook this one.  Make sure that you’re not one of those companies that skirts around what you do with vague language, or industry terminology.  People looking to hire you want information.  Give it to them so they can make informed decisions.

Where are you?

This one is applicable for local businesses or companies that only serve customers in a specified geographical area.  Make sure your website copy and the titles of your pages include geographical information, if necessary.  If you are a global company, say so.

Have you answered all of these questions in your online content?  How easy is it to find you?

Got other ideas?  Add to the comments.

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