This post idea was inspired by @krxokelso and @StephanieWinans.

Many people are addicted to looking at their Klout score…let me help ween you off of that in 12 steps.

The 12 steps

1. Pretend you have no control over  it.

If you pretend that you have no control over your Klout score, you’ll be more likely to ignore the impulse to try and raise your score.

2. Come to believe that only through blind faith would make Klout mean anything.

Klout only means something if you let it.  Otherwise it means nothing.  Don’t believe me?  Count your Klout-sourced results.

3. Ask yourself why you are addicted to your Klout score

Introspection is a key to understanding.  What is it about the score that means something to you?  Again, if you look at your life goals, does Klout really fit in?

4. Tell someone else that Klout is not a true measurement of actual influence.

It measures a variety of web based activites, but don’t kid yourself into thinking it’s about influence and don’t let others kid you either.  The only thing that a “like” influences is someone clicking a “like” button.  It does not necessary alter the course of their lives or behavior.  Look up the word “influence” and decide for yourself.

5. Make a decision to focus on engagement and results rather than scores.

Once you reframe your focus to being about results and meaningful connections with others, Klout won’t seem so appealing.

6. Be ready to have meaningful interactions without Kloutsiderations

Are you constantly censoring yourself or revising your posts in order to create the maximum engagement to raise your Klout score?  Stop it!

7. Humbly create compelling content for others as a gift, rather than as a means to raise a score.

Start making things that your audience will value.  Expand a conversation into uncomfortable territory…have an opinion.  But do all of this as a gift from your heart, not to raise a score.

8. Make a list of everyone that you followed just to increase your score and unfollow them.

Those influencers that you are following just so they might follow you back, or retweet you…unfollow them, unless they are positively impacting your life.  Life’s too short to worry about “important people.”

9. Make direct amends to your Facebook timeline, Twitter profile or any other site that you spammed with link bait to increase retweets or likes.

If you posted a whole bunch of garbage with the explicit purpose of increasing your score…get rid of it.  Avoid temptation by getting it out of your periphery.

10. If we fall back into an old Klout-based habit, immediately stop and admit we were wrong.

Stay vigilant.  Remember, it’s about results…not scores.

11. Consistantly reassess why we participate and interact online, with the intention of understanding the profound opportunity to make new connections and change the world through social interactions.

Keep reminding yourself of the bigger picture.  Remind yourself regularly about why you are participating online.  Be honest with yourself.

12. Take your new found business results, strong network connections and Kloutless Internet satisfaction and help others who struggle with Kloutaholism.

It’s now your duty to help others.

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