I had a rough 7-10 days recently.

I was down.

There was turbulence in my personal life. I was stressed at work. I hurt my back working out and was in pain.

Everything felt out of balance.

For the first time, in a very, very long time, I felt out of control and pessimistic about my chances of turning everything around.

…and just like that

The turnaround was swift.

The issues in my personal life seemingly evaporated or turned around as quickly as the wind changes direction.

Both my motivation and focus returned following the resolution of my personal issues. Work came under control quickly.

I went to the chiropractor, and after two sessions I can turn my head again and the pain has diminished substantially.

Everything fell back into balance.

What caused the change?

I’m going to chalk up about 25-30% of the shift to luck, chance, chaos theory, and the unexplainable. Some things just worked out naturally.

The rest was can only be attributed to my amazing friends and professional connections.

Several conversations, with several friends, put me in an entirely different mindset and changed my perspective.

I was able to see the situations for what they were.  I was able to let go of the thoughts that didn’t serve me.  I got clear again.

Once I was clear, everything else seemed to fall into place.  Perspective dictates everything.  Find the people that keep things in the right perspective.

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