With all of the viral mania hitting the interwebs you, or your company, might be compelled to make something really weird because you think that is the sort of thing that catches on. In some cases, yes, it’s weird and somehow becomes shareable, hence popular and makes its way around the web. To illustrate, may I present the #12 Most Viewed Video on YouTube of All Time.

So here’s my question…why?

Why do people watch this and share this? It’s certainly not because it’s good, or compelling…it’s just weird, and purely for the sake of being weird.

I think at a certain point once a video has reached a certain level, people just watch it because it’s up there. Trying to make it to this point is probably not the best strategy for using online video. Below are a few examples of videos that companies made, that I’m sure were made solely to be weird. More appropriately weird for the sake of weird because they have nothing to do with the product or company.

Now it’s your turn. Sound off in the comments with links to your favorite weird for the sake of weird videos.

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