For the first half of 2012, I tracked my time… diligently.  Somewhere around the halfway point, I stopped tracking because “tracking time doesn’t make you money.”  It’s true that tracking my time does not make me one single dollar…or does it?

The act of tracking my time itself, takes time, time is money and since tracking time has no direct ROI, some would  say it’s not a worthwhile use of time.  I would disagree for this very reason…

For me, the mere act of tracking my time makes me more efficient with my time.  It’s like tracking calories.  Tracking calories doesn’t make you thin, BUT it makes you evaluate what you are about to jam down your gullet.

So for 2013 I’m going to go back to tracking my time.  I’m going to track everything.  By doing this, I hope to reclaim many of the wasted hours that got lost like those few midnight snacks that go untracked.




Big shout out to Harvest for being a great piece of web based software, helping me track my time easily.

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