If I could go back to 2007, here are three things I’d do…

  1. Buy Apple Stock ($26.45/share)
  2. Wait another 2 years and start aggressively mining bitcoin
  3. Work on my personal brand

There’s no lesson to be learned in the first two. Those are gambles. Just as it would be a gamble to buy any stock right now or start mining a different crytocurrency.

But there’s a lesson in the third one. My personal brand has been with me since day 1. I’ve been building and nurturing it offline my entire life. But as our careers develop and we jump from one company to another or one endeavor to another, the one thing that ties it all together is our name.

I can’t make up for lost time on Apple stock. I’ll probably buy a few crytocurrencies. But I’m definitely going to work harder on my personal brand moving forward.

Tell me, what would you do if you could go back 10 years?

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