You’ll hear this a lot.

Twitter is just a fad.

Facebook is just a fad.

Isn’t all this Social Media just a fad?

Two ways to look at it.

1) Yes, XX is a fad.  BUT, people are using it right now so there is opportunity.

2) No, XX is not a fad.  So get your act together.

Opportunity as a window

You’ve heard it before, the expression “the window of opportunity is only open for a short period of time.”

Let’s say Twitter shuts down tomorrow, was the time that it existed all for nothing?

Was it worth it for Dell to sell millions of dollars worth of products through Twitter?

Was it worth it for Comcast to revitalize the image of their customer service using Twitter?

Was it worth it for Chris Brogan to leverage Twitter to grow the following of his blog, bolster his reputation and work with big companies?

Was it worth it to sift through the mindless drivel of Twitter to find opportunity?  (I’m looking at you Marathon Grill)

Who cares?

Seriously, WHO CARES if whatever is just a fad.

There are companies that many a ton of money selling “Hammer pants” because of MC Hammer.

There are companies that convinced a generation of children that Pogs (milk caps) were cool.  They made a mint selling cardboard discs with pictures.

The point is that people are on Twitter, they are on Facebook and they are reading blogs.  Sure in 5 years that could all change but the money people are spending now will likely be the same kind of money they’ll be spending in 5 years.  Now go climb through that window of opportunity and stop worrying about when it closes, just know it’s open now.
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