SlideshareEveryone wants to talk about Facebook because of its enormous user base.

Everyone wants to talk about Twitter because tweets are different and fun to talk about.

Everyone wants to talk about Pinterest because it came out of left field to drive retail traffic.

Everyone wants to talk about Linkedin because it’s so widely used among business people.

Everyone wants to talk about YouTube because it’s the 2nd biggest search engine on the web, the king of online video and video is a hot topic right now.

Slideshare is the biggest missed opportunity in Social Media right now.

Slideshare Pro

While everyone is talking about engagement and conversations, results are getting lost amongst the noise.  For all the time and effort companies are spending having someone manage their Facebook page or Twitter account, rarely do I hear about a company that is stocking those community managers with great content that converts.

I’m not saying there’s no value in conversations for the sake of conversations.  The loyalty and word of mouth that can be generated from a great comment thread should not be understated.  But let’s turn our attention for a moment to a site that presents several missed opportunities.

How come no one wants to talk about Slideshare?

How many meetings do you go to where the information is presented in 140 character bites instead of a Powerpoint?

How many times have you sent a prospect to your Facebook page instead of attaching a PDF or a slidedeck?

How many presentations do you go to where instead of a speaker and slides, they just put on a video?

The great and mighty Power Point


For as long as I can remember, Powerpoint has been a part of the business lexicon.  We ritualistically use and overuse slides as a means to communicate information.  When used correctly, a good slideshow presentation can convey information simply and effectively.  The format is conducive to communicating information visually and in small digestible chunks.

Slideshare is a place you can upload a complete Powerpoint, Keynote or PDF presentation, embed it on another site, share it socially (or via email), get the benefit of social discovery & search discovery and all for FREE!  Too many companies upload a PDF or Powerpoint to their website leaving out all of the serendipitous discovery and tracking that Slidedhare provides.

As easily as we embed and share YouTube videos, Slideshare allows the same for documents.

Fuel for your website, blog, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and more…

Don’t you wish you could have a salesperson working 24 hours per day, 7 days a week?  Enter Slideshare…

Slideshare never takes a day off.  Whatever you upload will be there, ready to be viewed and shared.
When following up with that new prospect, why not attach the link to a Slideshare presentation?  If you use an individual link or (Hootsuite) you can even track how many times it was clicked.  On Slideshare, you’ll get metrics about how many times people looked at it, and with Pro accounts, you get even more data, including lead capture.
Instead of uploading that PDF to your website server, why not embed the Slideshare PDF as you would a YouTube video?
Want to add additional awesome sauce to your Linkedin Profile?  Embed some Slideshare presentations and PDFs, like a whitepaper or case study.
Can’t covey how amazing your company is at doing that thing you do in 140 characters?  Easy.  Share a link to the Slideshare presentation, track how many people click.

Start now!

Everyone is talking about content marketing this year, and there’s no better time to get started than RIGHT NOW!

You can follow me (Jeff Gibbard) here and True Voice Media here.

Are you on Slideshare?  Add your username and best slides or PDF in the comments.

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