Goodbye Frank,

Though I never spoke to you personally I got to feel the impact that your presence made. I remember asking a question about DirectTV’s Sunday ticket on Twitter and immediately hearing a response from @comcastbonnie. I’ll never forget thinking, “wow, isn’t that clever…and convenient, whoever thought of this is brilliant.”

I missed seeing you speak at Social Media Plus this year because you were speaking opposite Valeria Maltoni (@conversationage) and she is one of my favorite bloggers, but my only regret of the conference is that I wasn’t able to see you both.  You are so widely regarded in this industry as someone who broke new ground and redefined how companies were utilizing these technologies and you did it, it seems, out of the purest of intentions.  Comcast is surely sad to be losing you because in the midst of numerous other complaints about Comcast, your department stood out as a shining example of something that was going right.

As someone who makes his living working in Social Media I want to thank you.  Your simple response of “can I help” changed everything and is a blaring case study of how a little genuine caring and listening can make a profound difference in an organization’s reputation.

Good luck in whatever you do next.

Jeff Gibbard

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