2 years, 5 months and 21 days

It’s been 904 days–not including today–since my first blog post.

For a while the blog was on wordpress.com, then it moved to jeffgibbard.com (now my speaker profile page).  Somewhere along the way, I can’t remember when, it became Social Media Philanthropy.

Normally, when consulting with a client that is starting a blog, I will recommend that they write “The First Blog Post.”  The goal of the post is to outline what your blog is about, why you write it, what sort of topics you write about, what you ask of your readers, etc.

I’d never done this…it’s time.

What’s this blog about

Social Media Philanthropy is a place for me to talk about topics in Social Media that interest me and that I think are important and valuable for my readers.   These topics can include Social Media marketing, customer service, public relations, privacy, content creation, listening and monitoring, measurement and analytics, and really any other idea that I have as it relates to my career in Social Media.

I’ll sometimes write about operating systems, mobile applications, web apps, gadgets and other technological (geek) topics.  Once in a while I will write a post about a process or workflow that I find more efficient.

Once a quarter I try to find causes to promote and dedicate an entire week to doing something that gives back.

Overall the goal is to write something that will be simultaneously interesting and informative, and most importantly valuable.

Why I write this blog

To be honest, at first I started writing this blog for two reasons.

1)  I wanted to experiment with, and learn the medium.  I did this so that I could recommend and explain different platforms to clients, or at the time future clients.

2)  I thought that I “had to” if I was going to be a Social Media professional.

Now I write it because I love doing it.  I love writing.  It helps me clarify thoughts and ideas.  It’s a platform that I can use to genuinely help people.  I have written posts specifically FOR people just to help them work through an issue they are having.  I write because it provides a trail of searchable content that provides social proof for how I think.

When I meet new people I send them to this blog so that they will get to know what I do, how I perceive my role in this industry and get a glimpse of the sort of advice I would provide in a paid engagement.

**What I ask of you**

Here’s the most important part.  You.  Without You, I’m pissing in the wind.  Which can be fun, but eventually I get all wet and realize my time could be spent doing something else.

What motivates me and keeps me excited about doing this is the feeling that I’ve made a difference for someone.  Here’s a not so well kept secret, most of us bloggers have an ego that needs occasional stroking.  We need to know someone’s listening.  My traffic numbers and the number of subscribers indicate that people are listening but sometimes it feels a little quiet here.

So here is my request:

If you agree with me or have anything to add, please COMMENT. I LOVE when people comment.  I want to know that you are there and that the post did something for you.

If you disagree with me, I EMPHATICALLY welcome you to comment.  Don’t be a jerk/troll and just leave an anonymous one word retort like “idiot.”  I want to be a better blogger everyday.  By disagreeing with me or asking for clarification, you help me become a better communicator.

If you like something I’ve written, please SHARE it. If you think it is pure garbage, please share it and invite others to disagree with me.  Each post has about 12 different sharing options.  If there’s one you’d like added, just ask, I’ll get the button.

Finally, please subscribe in some form.  I offer RSS and Email subscriptions.  A subscription says to me that you find my content valuable enough to see it regularly.

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