We talk about what we do; we do this in conversation at networking events, sitting at bars and catching up with old friends.  “What we do” in many ways defines us, but “how we feel” about “what we do” is far more telling.  It is an indication about the person you are speaking to but also about the environment in which they work.

WORK has become something we are supposed to dislike, we’re supposed to look forward to the weekend, we’re supposed to crave a halt to the “daily grind.”  It’s almost weird to say that you like what you do, so it’s twice as weird to say that you LOVE what you do.

I don’t want it to be that way…I never have.  My feeling is that if we all need to work to survive, why not go head first at something you love?

I don’t have many people that work for me right now, but those that do are chosen because they are passionate people.   They LOVE to do something.  As my company grows, I am mindful to not only unleash people to go after what they LOVE, but also to acknowledge them and give them assurance that their efforts are appreciated.

I don’t know if this will work, heck, I don’t know if ANYTHING I think is the right way to do something will work but intuitively, it seems that this is the direction work should be headed: towards passion, supported by acknowledgement and trusted with autonomy.

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