Everyday there’s a new one:
- Are referrals dead?
- Is networking dead?
- Is the sales funnel dead?
After those, comes the questions:
- Are referrals really dead?
- Is networking really dead?
- Is the sales funnel truly dead?
If we’re lucky, someone saves us by writing something comforting:
- Referrals aren’t dead, here’s why…
- Think networking is dead? You’re wrong. Here are 10 reasons why.
- Sales funnels are alive and well, and we’ve got the data to prove it.
Then there’s all of the “is this the new _____-killer” posts.
It’s rare that any concept is actually dead. Few things dubbed as the next ____killer, ever wind up killing what it sought to dethrone.
I don’t think any of this hyperbole is likely to go away anytime soon. But in the meantime, at least we have a lot of blog posts to read.