I want to talk today about ideas, thinking and inspiration particularly within the context of blogging.

Last night I watched a TED video.  For those of you that are unfamiliar, TED.com is a remarkable place on the web.  TED is a conference in which brilliant people from all walks of life, from any country, give short, medium or long presentations on a topic.  The tagline is “Ideas worth Spreading.”  I say that I want to watch one video per day, but much like my exercise routine, that hasn’t happened.  However, much like exercise, every time I do watch a TED video, I feel better.

TED continually inspires me and often causes me to think new ideas.

The one I watched last night was by Steven Johnson and it was titled: Where good ideas come from.

Here is the video, it is about 10 minutes long.

To sum up the main premise: An idea is not actually an instantaneous event, it is a gradual progression.  The natural environment for ideas to emerge is generally in a somewhat chaotic and social environment.

You don’t have to agree at this point, maybe you think you have better ideas in a dark candle lit room, that’s fine, stick with me.

What occurred to me is that regardless of when an idea hits you or in what setting, it is imperative to do what scholars and great thinkers of every time period have done…write it down.  An idea can vanish just as quickly as it appeared.

Presently I have 19 blog posts started and saved as drafts.  I created 10 of them in one day, I was “Reaganing.”  When you have an idea, write it down…if you have two, run with it, write down as many as you can; save a few for a rainy day.

When you hit writers block, seek out a new environment, watch something educational, or read a book.  Many of my ideas are inspired by totally random events.

I’ve found that the act of blogging everyday has improved my ability to think about content.  I’ve found that blogging everyday has actually made it easier to blog everyday.  Find your rhythm, find your muse but whatever you do don’t retreat.  Social Media has given us all the gift to share our ideas; do the world a favor and share yours.

UPDATE: Right on schedule Seth Godin posts a great blog called: I Spread your Idea Because… Absolutely worth a read.

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