The Fear.

It’s all about perspective.

I get off the bus at 17th and Market every morning and walk by the Comcast tower.

One morning I looked up at the Comcast Tower and noticed someone was washing the windows, thousands of feet off of the ground.
Window Washers at the Comcast Center

I saw a few police officers sitting on their bikes in front of the Comcast tower.  I walked up to one of the officers and asked if he would be scared to be a window washer on the Comcast Tower?  He said: “there’s no way you could get me up there.”

I bet if I asked the Window washer, thousands of feet off of the ground, if he would be a police officer, putting himself in danger, literally risking his life to protect others, he’d be happy to continue washing windows thousands of feet off of the ground.

We all make choices, many of them made out of fear: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of pain.  But for everything that we are scared of, someone else will embrace it.  It puts so much into perspective when you can look at your fear, acknowledge that it exists and proceed in spite of it.

Doing something extraordinary rarely results from avoiding the fear, it almost always is the result of confronting the fear.

The Fear.

It’s all about perspective.

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