This post is a continuation of Tuesday’s post about blogging.

After realizing how important it was to shift my thinking about blogging, I set out to find my muse.  You can find a muse anywhere, you just have to be open to seeing it.  Some people are inspired by being around a certain person, others like to read a certain poem or chapter of a book, others watch a scene from Braveheart or 300…for me, it’s my morning shower.  Ridiculous? Maybe.  Effective. Undoubtedly.

I noticed that every morning, even in my half awake state that my mind would race. Sometimes with incoherent ramblings and other times with concrete real world breakthrough thoughts.  Often times I would step out of the shower and not remember a single thing that I was thinking about.  It dawned on me one morning, “this is where I have a ton of great ideas, I have to learn to capture them.”

Some writers keep a notepad beside their bed, I do that too.  Some writers keep a notepad with them at all times, I use Evernote on my iPhone.  I think of things virtually everywhere but at some point I realized that the morning shower was a place where my thoughts come alive.  Now that I know that, I expect to think of things in the morning shower, I believe that it is a creative space for me so I say my ideas out loud, much like I do when I’m introduced to someone.

Some of my favorite blog posts came from a hot shower at 6:45 am.  Like “If you build it, they will come” or my morning musings about K-Cups, you know the little things for Keurig coffee makers?

Go find your muse.  Keep your eyes, ears and mind open to finding it in some of the strangest places, like pre-coffee morning showers.  You never know where it’s going to show up.

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