Wednesday is often referred to as “hump day.” Somehow we manage to get through Monday after an awesome weekend. Tuesday we’re just getting into the groove. Then we get to Wednesday. It’s the middle of the week, once you get past Wednesday, it’s all downhill; only two more days and your back to enjoying your “me time.”

How this relates to blogging.

When people start out blogging they are often stuck in a Monday-like mentality; the process looks long and arduous. Everyone wants to just get to the point where they are in the groove and blogging is no longer a chore. So what if you related to blogging as if it were a week long process?

You’ll probably need to grind out your Monday phase. There will be bad days, really bad days and the occasional “this isn’t so bad” days. Just like a Monday you need to acknowledge that it’s not going to be easy but you have to do it anyway. With enough determination the inevitable happens, you make it to Tuesday.

On Tuesday, you feel a little better than you used to. In blogging, you find that the process is slightly more natural, you don’t have to force it so much. You have some big wins, posts you really like. Every once in a while you may find yourself slipping back into Monday mentality, but it’s often short-lived. Again, with enough determination, the inevitable happens, you make it to Wednesday…the hump.

The Hump

When you hit the hump it becomes apparent to you are working differently. You know that this process is becoming easier. You feel different when writing. You think differently about the world around you. Topics for posts aren’t so mentally exhausting. You can feel that if you can work a little harder, put in a little extra effort that you’ll make it past this and it will become natural.

This is what blogging is all about…get here.

The other side of the hump.

if you can get to the point where you’ve done the hard work early, the other side of the hump is beautiful. You find your voice somewhere in between Monday and Tuesday. You change the way you think. It’s in between Monday and Wednesday that you BECOME a blogger.

On the other side of the hump you’ll observe, perceive, critique and influence the world around you. You will do it as effortlessly as you would do those things in conversation.

Are you blogging yet? What day are you on? If you haven’t gotten past Monday, what’s stopping you?

With any luck you should just make it to…Friday, which hopefully won’t have anything to do with this song.

Sound off in the comments, even if you just want to talk about how painfully bad this Rebecca Black song is.

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