Today I spent nearly 4 hours simply clearing out old bookmarks, deleting old blog posts and cleaning up my digital space.  I populated my task list with next actions and converted paper notes to digital, searchable notes.  As a business owner and as a human being, I’ve found that the more uncluttered my workspace becomes, the more clear my mind is and the higher quality of work I produce.

Recently, I’ve been reading David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD).  The book has caused me to re-examine the processes that I use and caused me to optimize everything for maximum efficiency.  Additionally, I’m getting better at realizing what processes will stick, and which ones will fall by the wayside.  For instance, Laundry…I don’t do laundry, so instituting a new process by which I do laundry rather than outsource the task only ends in failure.  Likewise, in my professional life, I know that to effectively manage projects I need to use a robust task management software and ensure that my email is quick and easy to deal with.

So now it’s 3:35 and I have several hours left in the day with which to rock out on some client work.

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