The plan was to write the book.

The plan was to spend the time I wasn’t blogging writing the book instead.

The big difference between the blog and the book is the book is a planned activity and the blog is a cathartic release.

This blog is my steam valve and for the past several months I’ve been letting the steam build up with no place to let it out.

I’m back.

I can’t not write here anymore. I’d said for quite a while that this blog was my favorite thing that I did online, and when it came time to make cuts to work on the book, the first thing to go was this blog. Mistake methinks.

So without further ado, and with minimal fan fare, I’m glad to announce that I’ll be writing here once again.

The book is still something I want to do, but I also want to create online courses, find new clients, grow my team, and produce tons of relevant and interesting content. All of that stuff is important, but this blog, though enjoyed by many of you, has really always been for me.

I may not write here everyday like I did in the past, but I am glad to be back. I’m trying not to look at this return as a failure, since the goal was to write the book, and I did not write the book.  Instead, I’m trying to look at this as a triumphant return and the catalyst to get my creative and inspirational juices flowing once more.

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