Not gonna lie to you friends, the past few months have been tough. Being an entrepreneur can be painfully exhausting both mentally, emotionally, and even physically.

I’ve had my company for 5 years and along that way we’ve had some big wins and some big losses. No matter how big the win, it is always overshadowed by the losses.

Losing clients is infinitely worse than gaining them.

Having a campaign that works is far less rewarding than the disappointment from a campaign that fails.

In the times where you get knocked down, it’s really easy to stay down. You question everything from your business model to your own self-worth.

The painful truth is…you sometimes have to confront painful truths. You can’t just paint over this and move forward.

No matter how many motivation memes you pin to your quotes board, or platitudes you spout off in a Snapchat story will fix this. Looking at others, comparing, and contrasting is also not helpful in times like this.

The only thing you can really do, is regroup.

Think about the people closest to you that have your back…have you built up enough social capital, that they’d be willing to help you?

Think about the knowledge that you have…is it enough? If not, what do you need to learn right now to get things back on track?

Think about the product or service that you are offering…is it a match for what people have been asking for, or the problems you see in the market?

Finally, look at yourself…how is your head? Are you ready to bounce back and fix this? Have you looked back on the failure, confronted it, and learned from it?

One of the reasons I love weekends is that I can use the time to regroup and improve myself and my business.

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