It takes a lot to say this, but I’ve identified my greatest weakness as a leader.

I believe in people. Rather, I believe in people to a fault.

  • I believe people will work as hard as I do.
  • I assume everyone is competitive, and will refuse to lose or let someone down.
  • I assume everyone is purpose driven.
  • I assume everyone is hard working, smart, passionate, and motivated.
  • I believe everyone is honest.

What makes those beliefs a weakness is not that I ascribe those characteristics to everyone, because that would just be naive. What makes this a weakness is that I believe all of these things about people I like…and I like a lot of people.

Do I like you, or the work you do?

As a business person I am guilty of assessing people first on whether or not I like them as a person, and then on their competency.


This is not good.

The sad truth is, I’ve known it for a while. It’s part of who I am as a person…it’s baked in.

It is very difficult for me to separate my affinity for someone and my assessment of their competency.

I don’t know how to “fix” this, because my goal in life is to help people, and when I meet someone with a good heart, I want to help them in their career.  I want to introduce them to people.  I want to help them flourish.

The problem is, just because I want them to flourish, doesn’t mean that they are willing to do the work necessary to achieve greatness.

This is my greatest weakness.

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