I blog pretty regularly and many of you probably wonder how I find the time or the inspiration to do it.

The time issue is what it is. I know that it generally takes me about one hour to write a blog post.

As far as inspiration goes here is a post that I wrote  about thinking like a blogger called: Dr. Blogger or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blog.

Today’s post is inspired by: Jason Kaminsky of Philly Ad Kids.  Jason has a really interesting blog featuring thoughts and perspectives from rising stars in the advertising industry in Philadelphia.  Many of them are students and bring fresh and unique ideas and observations.  Jason tweeted me a question and I think this post will help answer.

How I promote my blog Social Media Philanthropy

Blog distribution

That’s what it looks like.  I’ll explain.

Once I’ve created a blog post, I share it on Twitter using the Hootsuite “hootlet.”  This allows me to share it on Twitter AND get statistics as to the number of clicks and shares each post gets from my primary Twitter account: @jgibbard.

Next I go to my Fan Page and I share the link there.  I don’t like sharing on Facebook through Hootsuite or any third party because I feel like that gives the appearance that I’m not on my Fan Page actively participating.  So I always share on Facebook instead of to Facebook.

After that, I highlight a portion of the post and click my Posterous bookmarklet.  This clips an excerpt of my post that I can post to Posterous with a link back to socialmediaphilanthropy.com.  The goal is to get more people here.

The Posterous blog autoposts to Blogger.  Again the goal is to maximize reach.  The same excerpt is posted on both Posterous and Blogger.  Both pages have a Fan box for my Fan Page.  The two places I try to drive traffic are the blog and the Fan Page.

Google Buzz is setup to pull in any new posts.  So new posts automatically get posted to Google Buzz.

Finally I created a Twitter account called @myrssbuddy that pulls in and autoposts my favorite blogs from around the web.  Chris Brogan, Conversation Agent, Brian Solis, etc.  The goal was to curate the best blogs so that other people wouldn’t have to.  I created an accompanying Facebook Fan Page so people could follow the content there.  I’ve included my blog posts in that feed to increase my reach.

This whole process takes me approximately 3 minutes.  I share to hootsuite, I share on FB, I clip to Posterous; the rest is on autopilot.  Once a system is setup it should take no time at all to post your content all over the web.

The Results

Since I’ve started doing this distribution strategy I’ve noticed that the number of places my traffic comes from has blossomed.  However, the amount of traffic has been more heavily influenced by the frequency of my blog posts than anything else.

If you want more readers, more fans more subscribers, you have to keep working at it and delivering something valuable where ever you choose to spread out.  I wish you all good luck and more readers.

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