iphone killer

I’m getting sick of the -killer moniker. It’s stupid.

How many iPhone-killers have killed the iPhone?
1.7 million iPhone 4s sold in the first 3 days even with all the Android phones available.

Will Google Me be a Facebook-killer?
Yeah, I’m sure 500 million people are ready to drop FB tomorrow.

Have we seen a tablet yet that is approaching iPad numbers?
No? Then let’s stop calling unreleased or unsold products iPad-killers.

I think we should here and now kill the <product>-killer moniker because quite frankly, it’s stupid.  For one product to succeed, another does not need to fail.  For Twitter to live, it didn’t need to kill Facebook.

Do we need to reduce our collective mentality to such black and white concepts that products are reduced to: this good, this bad.  Have we not caught on that every product that is released is topped by another shortly thereafter?  That iPhone 4 is junk compared to what they’ve got up their sleeves for iPhone 5,6 and 7.  Those Android phones are still a work in progress as well.

This is really the basis of our entire economy, products are updated, newer versions are sold.  It is this competition that pushes innovation forward.  Let’s also not forget that each of these brands that others are trying to kill not only have to win in features but also have to sway an often loyal fanbase.  Try telling a rabid Apple fan that his iPhone sucks and the EVO 4G is that much better, watch what happens.  Likewise try to tell everyone that they should distrust Facebook but trust Google.  Really?  Because Google hasn’t had any privacy issues…right?

So I hereby request and end to the term -killer.  Who’s with me?

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