I’m not a huge fan of the New Year’s Resolution.  The idea that something changes on New Year’s Day (or the 2nd) is evidence of why so many people skip the gym in favor of TV and ice cream a mere two weeks later.

Rather than make “resolutions” I choose to pick themes and set goals instead.

  • Themes are not something that I’m resolving to change today, but rather a mindset to adopt for the entire year through both the peaks and valleys of that intention.
  • Goals are meant to be accomplished over a period of time which gives me space to recover from setbacks.

The problem with resolutions is that it requires you to think about changing something today.  Instead, give yourself the entire year.

Don’t wake up New Year’s day and think about who you want to be tomorrow, think about who you want to be next January.  You’ll find it much more productive.


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