From the outside, most people see my company as an obvious success.

Most people assume from my high energy, upbeat personality and positive outlook, that things must just be “going really well” for me.

Yes, my company is a success, but success isn’t a permanent destination, it’s a journey…with plenty of bumps along the way.

I almost went out of business in February 2016

I almost had to shut down the business and go “get a job.”

I’ll spare you the details. The short version is someone owed my company money and refused to pay.

When this happened, I was angry. Then I got sad.

I had so many questions?

  • “Why did this happen to me?”
  • “What could I have done to prevent this?”
  • “Is it worth pursuing this and fighting this person?”
  • “Is this the end of my company”
  • “What do I do next?”

I got angry. I spoke with advisors. I calmed down.

I stayed up late thinking. My mind raced through options. I cleared my mind.

I decided to save the company. I decided to put everything on the line. I decided to put my ego aside.

I vowed to open up my heart and reconnect with the purpose of what I do instead of being angry, closed off, and skeptical. I vowed to trust my gut more.

The Optics

Out of that terrible situation we’re better off than ever before, and I’m more confident than ever about the future of my company. But it took everything I had to get back here.

Never be fooled by the optics of things until you dig deeper.

Many will attempt to sell you rainbows and unicorns. They’ll dazzle you with confetti. They shower their stories with glitter and stickers.

But if they can’t tell you about the shit storm they weathered to get there, do not buy their unicorn, it’s probably not real.

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