I’m shocked at how many conversations lack imagination.

Take Capitalism for example.  If you criticize Capitalism, someone, almost everyone, will immediately tell you that Communism didn’t work.  As if those are the only two options that could exist.

If you criticize Android, people will naturally start railing on the iPhone.

If you don’t like Republicans, then clearly you must be a Democrat.

And so on…

What’s wrong with this picture?  Why is everything  so black and white?

In each of the scenarios above, I wonder why no one considers the other options, or the options yet to be invented?

Where is the imagination, where is the innovative human spirit?

Perhaps the problem is systematic; a problem left over from the industrial age where people were encouraged and trained to think inside the box.

Perhaps the problem is part of the human experience, and that I and others like me, are the outliers.

Whatever it is, I’m unhappy with it and I’d like to see it change.

Today’s Assignment: (and tomorrow’s assignment and everyday after) Look at a problem you are currently facing through the lens that there are more than the two available options.  Dig deep and look for another solution. In a culture where we remix everything, why not remix ideas to find the best solution? Is that not better that just picking between the two right in front of us?

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