Here’s something that excites me…

Every choice we make, creates the life we lead. Every decision creates a new reality.  We are very much in control (sort of).

The idea that we can create the life we want is beyond exciting to me, it’s intoxicating, and I attempt to be drunk on it everyday.


Life will throw you curveballs

You may think that because you’ve made a decision, that you will get where you want to go.  Life has a funny way of testing that theory.  Things will happen that no one could’ve planned, and again, you are presented with a choice.

  • How will you react to this?
  • Will this take you out of it?
  • Will this destroy your plan, or change your goals?

Immovable Objects

There are just some things that are baked in and, deep trauma or hypnosis notwithstanding, are unlikely to change.

  • I’m never going to take the choice to be violent.
  • I’m never going to take the choice that would (deliberately) hurt someone’s feelings.
  • I’m never going to take the choice to give up.

These are lines I have drawn. These are my values.  These are the standards I hold myself to as a person.

These are my immovable objects and I will react the same way regardless of circumstance.

What is nice about immovable objects, is that allows certain paths of our lives become set by removing some alternative paths.  Immovable objects narrow the possibilities.

There are so many things that we can change about ourselves to become the people we want to be.  The more deliberate those choices are, the more likely we are to live the life we want.

One thing we can do to create our own path, is to create more immovable objects within ourselves.  That is, to make a choice, not once, but permanently, about how we will react when the chips are down, or when we face adversity.  When your immovable objects match your values, you take one step closer to living a life by design.

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