My dad was a funeral director.  He didn’t love it.  He tolerated it.  He provided for us, and focused his time, energy and love outside of work hours.  All the while, he was instilling in me through his words, and actions, the reality that we only get one shot at this life, and if possible, find a career that you will love.  We spend so much time at work, just imagine what it would be like if work always felt like play.

My dad believed, and continues to believe that I can do anything I set my mind to.  This is not unlike the advice and wisdom found  in The Secret, What the Bleep do we Know, and Earl Nightengale’s “The Strangest Secret.”

I have followed this advice my entire life.  I have appreciated each day as a gift, a lesson I learned at 13 from watching Dead Poet’s Society.

All of this: the day-by-day actions, the belief in myself, and the focus to do something I love, has culminated in a very satisfying life.

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