Remember when I said in my last blog post that at the 140 conference (#140conf12) some people transcend the over-usage of the term “Social Media” to get at something deeper and more profound? Well, I didn’t say exactly that, but that was the intention. Two such speakers took the stage today: Tiffany LaBanca, SVP Internal Communications at News Corporation and Julia Rosien, Social Marketing Strategist at Social North. They had the following lessons and advice:
4 things from Tiffany LaBanca (@TiffanyLaBanca)
1) Set an intention when you use social media, and after those professional transactions, try to touch someone’s soul or let them touch yours.
2) Be Courageous. Allow yourself to be open to new experiences – to new people – even though it can make your vulnerable
3) Contine the message of this conference (#140conf). I truly believe we can build a more positive and soulful world if we do so.
4) NEVER doubt that a group of dedicated and likeminded people CAN CHANGE THE WORLD – because in the end, it’s the only thing that ever has.
3 things Julia Rosien (@juliarosien)
1) Be yourself, your authenticity is all you’ve got in this life
2) Your voice is stronger than you think it is. Doesn’t matter if you have 10 or 10000 followers, you message is important.
3) Your weirdness, whether you protect it or share it with the world is important. You are good enough the way you are.
My Commentary
I don’t think I need to add anything to these lessons.
Take these lessons to heart, apply them to your life, to your work and to your social media usage.
Share this post because people need to hear this, they need to embrace themselves, so that we can–not only be more successful in our careers– but potentially change the world into one with more compassion and acceptance of our differences.