It’s Groundhog’s Day!

Watch that first step, it’s a doozy!

When you start out in Social Media, no matter how well prepared you think you are, the majority of the learning comes from doing it.  In those first several months to a year, you are going to make mistakes.  Those mistakes are crucial to your long term success in this space.

You’ll need to try some things that don’t work.  You’ll need to readjust your strategy.   And even with the best plan, things will NOT go according to plan.

Take a deep breath and accept it.

Those mistakes are crucial to your long term success in this space.

If you get involved in Social Media with a business goal, you need to understand that part of success on the social web, is failure.  Failure doesn’t need to mean a terrible tragedy or horrible crisis.  It could just mean that your strategy isn’t working, or something needs to be tweaked.  Be prepared to mess up.

Don’t let it happen over and over again…

You don’t need to avoid mistakes, you need to LEARN from them.

The bigger the goals, the bigger the mistakes.  If you want to mitigate your risk, set your expectations lower, for instance, stop using the word “viral” so liberally.

So instead of running away from Social Media because you’re afraid that you might mess up, accept that you WILL mess up.  Embrace it.  Step out of your hole, stop looking for your shadow, and forge forward.  Just don’t wake up everyday and keep making the same mistakes.

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